Electricity and electronic
Electricity: Type of energy between particles that generate a force of attraction or repulsion.
Electronics: Is the branch of physics that studies the control of the movement of electrons in semi-conducting materials.
Circuit: An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around.
-Types of components
-Power sources:
The elements that supply the electrical energy needed for the electrons to move through the circuits. ln direct current circuits, the power sources are batteries; in alternating current circuits, they are alternators.
-Load devices:
These elements receive the electrical energy from the power sources.Load devices include motors, lamps, resistors, etc.
These components transport the electric current from the power sources to the load devices.
Wires are an example of conductors.
-Control and protection elements:
The elements that operate the circuit, i.e. they allow or prevent the flow of electric current.
They include one-way and two-way switches, fuses and relays.
They include one-way and two-way switches, fuses and relays.
Cell: Electric generator that transforms chemical energy into electrical energy and serves to produce continuous electric current; It allows electrical appliances to work without having to be connected to electricity with a cable.
Battery:Electromagnetic device capable of accumulating electric power and supplying it; It is usually formed by lead plates that separate compartments with acid.
Lamp:Convert the electrical energy into light energy.
Power supply:In charge of supplying electric power to the different elements that make up our computer system.
Motor: Convert electrical energy into kinetic energy.
Buzzer: convert the electrical energy into sound energy.
Diode: Diodes only allow current to pass through them when they are forward-biased. When they are connected in reverse bias, the current cannot flow, so
they act like an open switch.
Led’s: An LED (light-emitting diode) is a diode that lights up when it is connected
in forward bias. lts maximum voltage is 2 V.
Resistors: Material formed by carbon and other resistive elements to decrease the current that passes through it,
Variable resistors:
- LDRs (lightdependent resistors) or photoresistors are resistors with a value that varies according to the amount of light that hits them. The more light
that hits an LDR, the less resistance it offers to current flow.
- NTCs (negative temperature coefficients) are resistors that vary inversely
with temperature. Their value increases as the temperature falls.
- PTCs (positive temperature coefficients) are resistors that vary directly with
temperature. Their value increases as the temperature rises.
Potentiometer: A potentiometer is a resistor with a value set by the user from a range of
operating values.
Capacitor: The amount of energy that a capacitor can store (its capacity) depends on
the capacitor.
Transistor: Transistors have three pins to connect, called the base,lhe emitter and the
Depending on the amount of electrical current that reaches the transistor
through its base, it can function like a switch or a current amplifier.
One-way switch: One-way switches open or close the circuit when they are actuated.
Push switch:Push switches open or close the circuit, b
They can either be normally open (N0)
are pressed, or normally closed (NC), if tl
Two-way switch: Two-way switches open and close one or more circuits. They can also open
some circuits and close other ones simultaneously.
Single-pole two-way switch
Double two-way switch
Cross-over two-way switch
Relay:Relays are electromagnetic componenttrical current flows through them. They closing of circuits (power circuits) wher circuit (control circuits).
Single circuit relay:
Two circuit relay:
Fuse: Fuses protect the components of electric circuits from power surges.

Look for the following information in the Electricity. pdf document and write it in your Blog:
- Energy, power and Joule Effect
- Definition of Electrical Energy. Explain how it is generated and the most common units of measurement.
Electrical energy is the form of energy that results from the existence of a potential difference between two points, which allows to establish an electric current between them when they are put in contact by means of an electrical conductor.
- Definition of Electrical power and its most common units of measurement.
The electrical power is the proportion per unit of time, or rhythm, with which electrical energy is transferred by an electrical circuit.
- Joule Effect. What is it about? What can we use it for?To the irreversible phenomenon by which if a conductor circulates electrical current, part of the kinetic energy of the electrons is transformed in calorie to the shocks that suffer with the atoms of the conductor of the material through which they circulate, elevating the temperature of the same.
- Do exercices 6, 7 and 8.
6. Calcula la potencia eléctrica de una bombilla alimentada por 220V y que tiene una resistencia de 10Ω. Calcula la energía eléctrica consumida por la bombilla si ha estado encendida durante una hora.
I=V/R= 220/10=22A
P=V²/R=RI²= 10·22=4840W
7. Haz una lista de cinco objetos en los que se aproveche el calor generado por el efecto Joule y otros cinco objetos en los que el calor producido sea considerado pérdida energética.
- Soldadoras
- Hornos
- Tostadores
- Calefacciones electricas
- Microondas
8.Una plancha de 600W se conecta a un enchufe de 125V. Calcula la intensidad de la corriente que circula por la plancha y el calor desprendido por la plancha en 5 minutos.
600=125·I; I=600/125=4’8 A
I=V/R; R=I·V=4’8·125=600Ω
Q=4’8²·600·300=4147200 J
- Associations of resistors. Electrical calculations:
- Explain what an Equivalent Circuit is:
Theoretical circuit that retains all of the electrical characteristics of a given circuit.
- Explain Series Circuits and how we can calculate resistances, currents, voltages and power
A circuit composed solely of components connected in series.
- Explain Parallel Circuits and how we can calculate resistances, currents, voltages and power.
ln parallel circuits load devices are connected on different branches and
the current is split. There are several possible paths for the current to flow through.
More electrical current flows in the branch that offers the least resistance. The calcu-
lation of electrical variables is summarised in the table below, where Rt, lr, Brand
refer to the variables of the equivalent circuit.
RESISTANCE:The inverse of the equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of the inverses
- Explain Series-Parallel Combination Circuits.
The circuit is a combination of both series and parallel, we cannot apply the rules for voltage, current, and resistance “across the table” to begin analysis like we could when the circuits were one way or the other. For instance, if the above circuit were simple series, we could just add up R1 through R4 to arrive at a total resistance, solve for total current, and then solve for all voltage drops. Likewise, if the above circuit were simple parallel, we could just solve for branch currents, add up branch currents to figure the total current, and then calculate total resistance from total voltage and total current. However, this circuit’s solution will be more complex.
Look for this information in the Arduino.pdf document
-Definition of Robot
A robot is a programmable automated machine that captures information about
its surroundings, processes this information and acts on it.
-Definition of controller board. How does it work? What are its basic elements?
A controller board is an electronic circuit that acts as an interface between the
computer and the devices that we want to control by adapting the input and output signals.
-Explain Sensors. Give examples.
Reads the room temperature.
-Explain Actuators. Give examples.
When the signal is received from the controller, the circuit is switched
by the actuator to turn the heating on or off.
We are going to study how to turn a led on or off using an example program.
- Open Arduino IDE.Click Archivo/Ejemplos/Basicos/Blink
- Read the program and try to understand what it does reading the comments on each sentence.
- Explain what this functions do:
- Explain what this functions do:
- void setup() the setup routine runs once when you press reset
- pinMode() initialize the digital pin as an output.
- void loop() the loop routine runs over and over again forever
- digitalWrite() turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level
- delay() wait for a second
- Explain the following buttons in Arduino IDE:
- Verificar- Verify: tick to compile the program
- Subir - Upload: upload the program to the board Verificar- Verificar
Subir - SubirVerificar- Verificar
Subir - Subir
- Go to page 124 in Arduino.pdf and do Practical 1. Include in a new entrance (called “Blink”) of your Blog the code of the program the video of how it works and the electrical scheme. Use Fritzing to do the electrical scheme.
- Modify the program of Step number 6 and make the led simulate a “heart beat”. Include in a new entrance (called “Heart Beat”) of your Blog the code of the program the video of how it works and the electrical scheme.
codigo 2
int push_button = 2;
int LED = 3;
void setup()
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(push_button, INPUT);
void loop()
if (digitalRead(push_button) == HIGH)
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
codigo 1
Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
This example code is in the public domain.
// Pin 13 has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
// give it a name:
int led = 13;
// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(700); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(200); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(700); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait for a second
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